
Death Note

Now, I've already done a review for the Netflix adaptation of Death Note, but for those who haven't seen the show, I should say that I highly recommend  it for a number of reasons.  Great characters Amazing animations Great dub Realistic emotions Beautiful OST F or those of you who don't know what it's about, or have never heard of it before, Death Note follows a young college student by the name of Light Yagami who obtains a notebook with the power to kill people. On the other side, the world's most famous detective, L, is determined to track down this Light, who's known around the world as 'Kira'. Throughout the course of the show, Light and the original owner of the note, a God of Death named Ryuk, work to outsmart L so that Kira can become God, until Light realizes that there's another notebook being used. Now, that's just a choppy summary of the anime. If you want to know more about it, here's an amazing fanmade

Death Note - Great Adaptation or a Waste of Time?

Okay, so I'm here with my first review, which is going on now, and pretty big in the anime community, right now - the  Death Note  live adaptation on Netflix. Now, before everyone starts going on about everything  wrong  with it, let's look at the more positive sides of it, then we can view the negatives (which may or may not outweigh the positives. Just saying.) Anyway, let's jump right in. Death Note Trailer So, what's are the positives about this?          1) The actors Now, before I get a lot of flack for saying this, I'm aware of how unrealistic they are compared to the real L, Light and Misa. But, if you look at it this way, these Hollywood actors could reach a much larger audience on Netflix - and audience who has never been into anime before. Maybe, one day, while someone is scrolling through the new movies on the home screen they come across Death Note, and find themselves interested in the movie, and decide to watch the actual anime. (They'll shit on t